posted by Christopher W. Holton Saudi Arabia has long been a major incubator for global jihad, both violent and civilizational. It isn’t the only country that has promoted Islamic supremicism, but it is certainly the wealthiest. The Saudis’ enormous wealth has enabled them to greatly influence the political process here in America and even enlist […]
From time to time we have posted articles on SFW detailing activities by Jihadist groups in Africa to raise money through the ivory trade… Now we have new details on those activities, by Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and other Jihadists in Mali and Jihadi groups in India as well… Poaching is also […]
We are not in the habit of quoting official Russian news agencies here, but in this case TASS is simply regurgitating what has already been widely reported in independent Western media: The Islamic State (IS), which has declared a caliphate stretching across Syria and Iraq, has been placed on top of the list of the […]
The Gatestone Institute reports that Spanish authorities have broken up a Jihadi ring that was recruiting for and financing overseas Jihad operations: Spanish officials say the cell, based in southern Spain, was one of the largest of its kind in Europe and responsible for recruiting more jihadists than any other network discovered in Spain so […]
Police investigating four British charities that send “aid” to Syria arrested eight men this morning on suspicion that donations were being used to fund the opposition against President Bashar al-Assad. The raids on homes and business addresses follow an investigation into the seizure of £44,000 cash from an aid convoy preparing to leave Dover in […]