posted by Christopher W. Holton Multiple reports indicate that the Clinton Foundation has raked in a cool $100 million in donations from Sheikhs and despots from the Islamic world, particularly from the Persian Gulf region. Much of this money came in while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, suggesting the real possibility of a worrying […]
The World’s First Shariah-Compliant Export-Import Bank
The purpose of Shariah-compliant finance is to promote Shariah and the industry has apparently concocted a new way of driving Shariah out to the non-Shariah-compliant world by establishing the world’s first Shariah-compliant Export-Import bank. This will inject the factor of Shariah compliance into the world of international trade. The bank is being set up by […]
Dubai Islamic Bank to Pursue Islamic Imperialism Through Finance
Dubai Islamic Bank plans to expand its operations into Indonesia, Kenya and other African countries. The expansion into Indonesia is not particularly noteworthy, since Indonesia is the world’s most populous Muslim nation. But the plans for Kenya are a different issue entirely. Kenya has a relatively small Muslim population (about 15% at last count) but […]