Two charity arms of the jihadist group, blamed for 2008 Mumbai attacks, are active in the Gaza Strip Pakistani militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), accused of carrying out the 2008 Mumbai attacks, is now reportedly engaged in charity work in Gaza, the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI)’s Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor found. According to […]
Given the fact that HAMAS directed aid, funds and materials to rockets and tunnels in the past, this type of activity needs to be closely scrutinized to say the least…
How HAMAS Gets Money
Smuggling of money by traders is a relatively simple example for the tactics the Hamas leadership has developed to funnel money to the organization in Gaza, the West Bank and inside Israel, as Israeli banks have refused to allow money transactions to and from Gaza fearing it will be used for funding terrorism.These tactics have […]
While Israel is conducting Operation Protective Edge to stop HAMAS attacks from Gaza, a “Freedom Flotilla” is being organized in Turkey to bring supplies to the HAMAS-controlled Palestinian coastal enclave with the protection of the Turkish military. The flotilla, called “Freedom Flotilla II,” is being organized by the Turkish Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH), the same organization that […]
HAMAS under a budget crunch
Maybe if they devoted fewer resources to rockets and suicide vests their fiscal situation would be better? Of course, that would also be impossible, since the HAMAS charter mandates the replacement of Israel with an Islamic state ruled by Shariah law. Note from the article linked below that much of HAMAS’ money woes stem from […]
Samuel J. Scott Files Le Figaro reports that foreigners, including several French citizens, have succeeded in penetrating from Egypt into Gaza in order to fight Israel. Abu Hafs is a militant in the Army of Believers, a group which appeared after the ISraeli pull-back from Gaza in 2005. He says that they’re not part of […]