US criticizes China for Iran trade ties
Mon, 16 Jun 2008 20:26:22 | |
The US says it is uneasy about the strong trade ties between Iran and China, claiming it will weaken the effect of sanctions on Tehran.
“This is not a time for business as usual with Iran, this is a time to demonstrate to Iran that they are hurting their country politically and economically by withholding information from the international community,” claimed US ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA),Gregory Schulte.
He added that the UN Security Council members including China have to send a ‘clear political message’ to Iran in order to pressure the country into suspending its nuclear enrichment program. “Words also need to be backed up by deeds. It’s very important to demonstrate to the leaders in Iran that they don’t benefit from this type of activity. This is a time when the leaders in Tehran need to understand that there are consequences for their actions,” said the US official in Beijing. China, a veto-wielding member of the UN Security Council, is against tougher sanctions against Iran and favors negotiation due to its strong trade ties with Iran. MK/HGH