Updated: Harvard University: Sedition by any other name


by SANE Staff, Sat, November 01, 2008, 22:27:PM


[Originally posted 10-31-08 at 11:38AM]

For those of you following the lurch by the U.S. Treasury to attract as much Wahhabi-Jihadist cash as possible from the terror-sponsoring Jihad states of the Gulf all in the name of arresting our current finanical-credit crisis, you know that there is a pre-condition: Shariah compliance.

Go to our Related Posts link below to get a quick read backgrounder on all of this.

Now we find out the U.S. Treasury is co-hosting a seminar on Thursday right after we have crowned Obama as King Tut on how to bow down to the altar of Allah’s Shariah while taking advantage of all of that cash. We have attached the announcement above in the downloadable pdf file (click on the title of this blog to get to its unique url first). (Word has it that David Yerushalmi is preparing litigation for the DC District Court to enjoin the whole affair. The point of the litigation is to finally force these government sycophants to actually address the real question: before you start cheerleading for Shariah-compliant finance, don’t you think you ought to know what Shariah is and what it says about Jihad against the infidel West? Update No. 1: we heard directly from Mr. Yerushalmi: law suit is less likely due to “standing” issue; he said he doesn’t mind a real challenging lawsuit if it deals with the substance of the issue: Shariah’s sedition; he does not want to get bogged down in a procedural morass. He says he’ll make a decision by Monday.)

Finally, since the Harvard Law School’s Islamic Finance Project is co-sponsoring this “seminar”, a “Project” bought and paid for by the Jihadist Wahhabis in Saudi Arabia and neighboring environs, we thought we’d throw some issues out there on the table.

As we’ve pointed out before, it was Harvard’s famous duo, Professors Vogel and Hayes, authors of the most important book on Shariah-compliant finance (SCF) for infidels, who wrote:

continue reading at……………….  http://www.saneworks.us/Harvard-University-Sedition-by-any-other-name-newsblog-2204.htm

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One Response to SANEWORKS discusses Harvard University and “Sedition by any other name”-update on Shariah Compliant Finance and Dhimmitude by Harvard

  1. miira says:

    Take these recent donations to Harvard and Georgetown for example . . .

    Saudi Prince Gives Millions to Harvard and Georgetown (reported Dec 2005)

    Within one year of that announcement we read:

    Harvard in biggest curriculum overhaul in 30 years

    Harvard was bought and paid for. No surprise here.

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