Tuesday, 15 January 2008 ->Hong Kong should be aware of the long term implications of getting involved in Sharia Finance. The Chinese historically have been wary of Islamic expansion into China, and have been very careful, up to now, to back off. However, with their growth and financial wealth, their need for oil will outgrow […]
Japan to Raise First Soverign Islamic Bond in Malaysia Next Month
–> Business January 15, 2008 20:19 PM Japan To Raise First Sovereign Islamic Bond In Malaysia Next Month By Tham Choy Lin HONG KONG, Jan 15 (Bernama) — Japan will issue its first sovereign Islamic bond or sukuk, of between US$300 million and US$500 million, in Malaysia next month, a senior official of the […]
Black Enterprise.com News Briefs about the Middle East Investment Market
BE BUSINESS REPORT AME Info, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Business Briefs Column 2008-01-15 AME InfoBy AME Info, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Jan. 15–DFM UP SHARPLY, ADSM HAS SLIGHT GAIN: The Dubai Financial Market rose sharply today, Tuesday, gaining 182.18 points, or 2.98 percent, to finish on 6,291. National Industries Group was the day’s […]
Links to Slideshows promoting Shariah Finance
Slide Presentations-use to learn, educate yourself, and to become familiar with the nature of Shariah finance. In order to defeat it, we need to know what it is, how it is promoted, and the logic used to sell this to the west. comments by Allyson Rowen Taylor A Critical Comparison on Event of Default Clauses and […]
This article shows the hypocracy of sharia finance and also shows that we have to be very careful about letting it proliferate in the west. commens by Allyson Rowen Taylor Article published Jan 14, 2008 Islamic bonds hit by scholar January 14, 2008 By Sebastian Abbot – MANAMA, Bahrain (AP) — The booming market for […]
Link to www.Gulfbase.com, comprehensive site on Sharia Finance and Investments
This site breaks down the investments and funds by countries in the Middle East. It is a good source to follow, and research for those interested in following the growth of funds and indices. You can register on it for updates, however this blog will follow it and post the most relevant articles. comments by […]
Thank you Andrew Bostom for great work regarding the information regarding the implimentation of Shariah Law in Britain. This is a sign of what will happen if we do not stop the influx of Shariah complient funds .http://www.andrewbostom.org/blog/ Britain: “The process of ‘cleansing’ Muslim-majority areas of non-Muslims has already begun.” January 13th, 2008 (6 hours […]
Islamic banking to be 12% of the financial sector
This short article is very revealing–the growth of Islamic banking is dependent on pushing it on non-Muslim investors… Islamic banking to be 12% of financial sector Middle East: Saturday, January 12 – 2008 at 11:33 It’s predicted that in three to five years’ time, Islamic banking sub sector will be 12 per cent of the […]
This article is written by the leader of Dubai. It is a puff piece of propagada, and should be read “tongue in cheek”. This is the man who was responsible for trying to buy our ports, and is now gobbling up our financial corporations and leading companies. He is starting to gain a foothold in […]
Business Week-“Who’s Afraid of Mideast Money?”
This is one of the most important articles to read about the emerging power and takeover of the West by Middle East Money. We should all be afraid…very afraid. However the lust for greed and money will be the downfall of the democracy we live under unless we can change this course of selling our […]
Business Week-“Who’s Afraid of Mideast Money?”
<!– if (!window.OAS_sitepage) { var BW_site; // use for new ad site var BW_page = “/printerfriendly”; var OAS_listpos; // use to restrict the number of available page positions document.write(”); } //–> THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT ARTICLES I HAVE POSTED. IT IS A MUST READ, AND ONE THAT NEEDS TO BE READ AND […]
http://islamicfinanceandbanking.blogspot.com Western investors go shariah There is growing interest among western investors in shariah compliant finance, particularly in areas such as ethical investing. Kamal Mian, Associate Director, HSBC Amanah, explains how ancient guidelines can be interpreted and applied to business today.
Arabic millions being spent in Denmark New user? Login Password: Search articles <!– All This week Archive In & Out 09.01.2008 Print article (IE & NS 4+) It’s not only Icelandic businessmen who’ve caught wind of investment opportunities in Denmark – Arabic investors have also shown increasing interest Danish companies […]
This article must be read, and reread. Try to understand why this author, is concerned about the rise of Islamic banking. His concerns are that the boards who oversee the banking and fast growth do not have the time to examine the institutions to make sure that they are “halal”. The issues of whether the […]
Noor Islamic Bank targets Sharia friendly UK By Philip Aldrick Last Uindependent Islamic banks that are registered by the Financial Services Authority; the Bank of London and the Middle East, the European Islamic Investment Bank and the Islamic Bank of Britain. Other high street lenders and investment banks sell Sharia-compliant products.pdated: 12:57am GMT 09/01/2008 Dubai’s Noor […]
Islamic Finance Sector set to continue growth into 2008
Submitted by Mudassir Rizwan on Tue, 01/08/2008 – 16:52. Muslim World News London – (IINA) January 08, 2008 – The global Islamic finance sector is set to continue its impressive growth into 2008, although this growth may be tempered by events completely out of its control. The downturn in the US economy, the dramatic slide […]
Ensuring Syariah Compliance Challenge For Islamic Finance By Yusrin Junaidi Bandar Seri Begawan – The active product innovation in the area of Islamic finance has expanded to a wider investor base, and this has given the Muslim Ummah more choices of Syariah-compliant products. One of the key challenges of such innovation, however, is the […]
Friday Sermons in Saudi Mosques-Review and Analysis, a must read, to understand Shariah Laws and Goals
I have decided to repost this sermon given in a Saudi Mosque in September 2002. Though this is a blog about Shairah Finance, it is imperative that one understand what life and preachings are under the dictates of Shariah Law. Anyone who believes that Islamic law and Shariah law are compatable with civil free society […]
This is going to be a huge issues, as we see more of of stock markets and financial companies bought by Kuwait and others. The monitoring of the types of investments made under Shariah control should be of concern, as the laws of Shariah will dictate the investments. Especially troubling will be the pork, entertainment, […]
India hosts Sharia Banking Conference
Home Indian Muslims Muslims gather to discuss Islamic investments Muslims gather to discuss Islamic investments User Rating: / 1 PoorBest Kolkata, Jan 6: Muslims from the city and nearby areas attended a conference here Sunday to figure out ways to invest that did not violate their religious tenets. The conference, aimed at educating and sensitising Muslims on […]
Blog site to Watch-InvestHalal.org
This is a blog that needs to be read, and studied as it supports Islamic banking. We need to understand what the pro Sharia Bankers and supporters like, want, and plan, so we can work to counter their efforts. comments by Allyson Rowen Taylor InvestHalal.org
Bookmark & Share © Add This Print this page | Email this to a friend | Discuss this article ( Comments) | addthis_url = location.href; addthis_title = document.title; addthis_pub = ‘affan2’; Trump Jr slams viability of Dubai developments updateDate = “Sunday, 06 January 2008 13:02” document.getElementById(‘crumbs-dir’).innerHTML = ‘REAL ESTATE / NEWS /’by Diana Milne on […]
This is an important document to study, as it gives the perspective of banking under Sharia Law, with terms and glossary so we can understand what it is we are concerned about, and therefore give us an education as to how to stop the influx of Shariah banking in the Western World. The far reaching […]
Soverign Forays, Business Standard, New Delhi-The impact of the sub prime problem and the high price of oil
This article spells out the real problems of the selling of our corporations to foreign investors, especially the middle east and Dubai, who realize that oil is going to become secondary, and that taking a foothold into the buying of large portfolios is a way to gain footholds into our democracy and economy. The need […]
INTRODUCTION TO ISLAMIC ECONOMICS A lecture series from the World Bank on Islamic Economics; Microeconomics and Macroeconomics within the Islamic Framework Globalization and Islam Islam and economic development: Promoting saving, investment and development in Muslim countries Capitalism, socialism, the welfare state, and Islam Public Finance : The role of taxation, expenditure and debt in an […]
Dubai has a bumpy road with Foreign Investments
Dubai’s model is working, but some bumps lie ahead By Christopher Davidson Monday, December 31, 2007 By the close of 2007, contributions from non-oil related sectors of the Dubai economy will account for an estimated 95 percent of the emirate’s gross domestic product. As a result, Dubai’s is now very much a “post-oil economy” and, […]
Calpers fires HSBC broadside-The Sunday Times
HSBC is involved with Dubai and Shariah finance. They have been working on the establishment of Shariah banking worldwide and this could show that the strength of HSBC is being crippled, and in this case, it could be a good thing. We should alert CALPERS about the involvent of HSBC is their support of Islamic […]
Brilliant Article by Alyssa Lappen-Cordless Bungee Jumping-Shari’a-style
We will lose the war against the West if we don’t awaken to the long term effects of selling America, bit by bit to Sharia and Islamic jihadist regimes. With the murder today of Benazir Bhutto, and the scare of a nuclear Pakistan, and Iran, our very survival is at stake. We also must acknowledge […]
Dirhams for Dollars-Diversifying Gulf State Investors
Dirhams for Dollars: Diversifying Gulf State Investors Flock to U.S. Markets Flush With Revenue From Oil Prices Approaching $100/Barrel, Mideast Governments and Monarchies are Buying U.S. Office, Industrial, Apartment and Hotel Assets Oil reserves don’t last forever, and Persian Gulf nations are looking to the future, scouring the U.S. and other global markets for investments […]
Beware! This could wreck American Financial Markets
It’s the new animal, and it’s the prowl in the global finance and capital markets. To all those who had repeatedly asserted that capital, especially global capital, does not have colour and hence one needs to encourage free flow of the same, the reversal in their stated position has been remarkably swift. What is indeed […]