Follow the Money: Yemeni Passenger flying to Qatar caught trying to smuggle cash
Though authorities indicate that there is no evidence that this money was terror-related, there surely seems to be a great deal to be concerned about here. A Yemeni flying to Qatar, which is without a doubt one of the world’s major conduits for funding of Jihadist terrorism, with cash hidden in soap boxes and the like certainly raises eye brows…at least in should…
A man flying to the Middle East from New York was caught with more than £500,000 in cash.
Abdulkarim Altareb attempted to catch a flight from JFK Airport on 1 March with wads of crisp notes hidden in his luggage.
The 48-year-old from Yemen, who was boarding a plane to Qatar, told authorities the money was for his “really big family”.
Tagged with: Abdulkarim Altareb