posted by Christopher W. Holton The US Congress is considering a bill to impose new sanctions on Iran for its destructive role in Yemen and its policies to destabilize the country by supporting Houthi militias and supplying them with weapons. (The bill is being) prepared by Republican Rep. Elena Rose Lehtinen of Florida and Ted […]
Though authorities indicate that there is no evidence that this money was terror-related, there surely seems to be a great deal to be concerned about here. A Yemeni flying to Qatar, which is without a doubt one of the world’s major conduits for funding of Jihadist terrorism, with cash hidden in soap boxes and the […]
North Carolina Jihadis Planned to Use Charity as Cover
Two North Carolina men were arrested on terrorism charges this week with plans to travel to Yemen and Syria to join the Jihad. Of particular interest is the cover story they concocted in case they were caught. It’s hard to believe that these two thought this cover story up on their own… The pair planned […]
If ever there was an admission that zakat has been used to fund violent jihad, this is it… Abdou Mohammed, director of the Zakat Duties Office in Yemen’s Dhammar province, urged citizens on Saturday (July 27th) to pay zakat money to official government authorities to ensure groups that support terrorism do not get access to it. Mohammed […]
The Latest Fallout from Europe’s Ransom Payments to Al Qaeda
Readers may recall the post we published on 10 February regarding the millions of dollars reportedly paid to Al Qaeda by European nations in the form of ransoms to win the release of hostages: Now we have the latest tragic example of the fallout from those misguided policies. Al Qaeda has released a video […]
Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula Demands $50 Million Ransom for Hostages’ Release
Money is the lifeblood of jihad and the jihadists raise money any number of ways…including ransoms. This past Friday, a tribal leader stated that Yemen’s Al-Qaeda affiliate, which is holding three kidnapped Europeans hostage, has demanded $50 million for the foreigners’ release. “The organization demanded the money from the military leader who has been situated […]
Al Qaeda offers $160,000 in gold for murder of US ambassador to Yemen
It seems that it is “open season” on US ambassadors these days. Before the assassination of the US ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, last year, the last time a US ambassador had been killed was 32 years earlier when the US ambassador to Afghanistan was murdered. Now, Al Qaeda is targeting another US ambassdor: Gerald […]
“Ethical Investing” from Countries Overrun With Corruption? has publishes a Corruption Perceptions Index that rates the level of corruption in the world’s nations. The most recent year for which there is data is 2011. The results are instructive for observers of Shariah Compliant Finance. Shariah-Compliant Finance is often touted by the financial jihadists as “ethical” investment. There are a variety of […]
In the midst of a vicious insurgency with Al Qaeda in which some members of the Yemeni government are thought to be siding with the Jihadists, the Yemeni central bank has floated its first sukuk… Note that this one-year sukuk is projected to have a return of between 15% and 18%. Such a return is […]
Another former Gitmo resident turned Al Qaeda fundraiser
The good folks at Money Jihad blog came across a story we overlooked last month and, because it involves financing for Al Qaeda and a former Guantanamo prisoner, we felt it important to post it here. Hat tip to Money Jihad via Miami Herald… The State Department Thursday added a freed Guantánamo detainee to its […]
Yemen issues first sukuk
The Islamic Sukuk Unit at the Central Bank of Yemen was responsible for the issuance which was part of a one-year programme introducing sukuk worth YR 100 billion by the end of 2011. Every three months, the unit will issue sukuk worth $ 125 million. There are four Islamic banks in the country including Tadhamon […]
The Central Bank of Yemen, has launched the country’s first sukuk issue and plans to issue additional Islamic bonds worth $500 million this year, the official Yemen News Agency Saba reported.
The folks at Money Jihad have just published a listing of nations and zakat systems. (For new readers, zakat is the system of mandatory tithing in Islam.) You’ll notice several problematic countries with mandatory, government-operated zakat: Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Pakistan, Libya to name four. Keep in mind, however, that government administration neither adds any legitimacy […]
Anwar Al-Awlaki’s 44 Ways of Supporting Jihad
Our Jihadist enemies sometimes can be very upfront about their intentions and methods. This is true in the financial arena, just as it is true in violent jihad. We have seen this pointed out twice in recent blog posts here on SFW. On 7 May, we pointed out that Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi had confirmed that […]
Sauds Continue to be at Center of Terror Financing
A trial under way in Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim nation, of a Saudi Arabian accused of financing a militant group illustrates the challenges involved in shutting loopholes exploited by the terrorist factions and their shadowy facilitators on a global scale. Ali Abdullah is charged with providing 54 million rupiah — about $6,000 — to […]
Yemeni men plead guilty in NY to money laundering
Three Yemeni businessmen in western New York have pleaded guilty to money laundering charges, ending their federal court trial. The men were charged in March 2007 after authorities said they sent $200,000 overseas knowing it was illegally obtained and could benefit the Iranian-backed, Lebanese-based Jihadist terrorist group Hezbollah. These men will be sentenced to between […]
The Global Threat of Shariah
Ever so often it’s useful to remind ourselves of the fact that Shariah isn’t just some abstract, remote system isolated to a few Middle Eastern nations. It’s a global threat. We’ve recently seen numerous reports of Shariah courts operating in Britain. We’ve recently witnessed a Jihadi organization hold a conference in Chicago to support the […]
In Yemen, the parliament has set a new minimum age requirement for marriage. That age is 17. This should be seen as a progressive mood to protect the rights of women. Unfortunately, the promoters of Shariah do not see it that way at all. They are saying that the new age requirement violates Shariah law. […]
Hostility on the streets of Yemen Following the recent bomb attack on the US embassy in Yemen which killed at least 16 people, Ginny Hill, who is working as a BBC correspondent in the country, reports on the increasing difficulties for Westerners visiting and living in the country. Pick-up trucks are a common form of […] Home of ‘Lackawanna 6’ terrorism case loses one of its own in attack on US Embassy in Yemen By CAROLYN THOMPSON , Associated Press September 18, 2008 LACKAWANNA, N.Y. – Yemeni-Americans in this upstate New York city have seen terrorism from two sides. On Wednesday, one of their own was a victim of global […]
Supplied Picture The girls received gifts and toys to mark the end of their marriages. Girls had their childhood ‘returned’ By Nasser Arrabyee, Correspondent Published: August 15, 2008, 23:59 Sana’a: Child marriage is on the rise in Yemen. Poverty, illiteracy, a growing population and a lack of legislation preventing the practice are among […]
Mohammad and Aisha Early Marriage Still Damaging lives of Young Girls Reem and Nujood Telling their Terrifying Marriage Stories Written By: Wojoud Hasan Mejalli ( FOR THE YEMEN POST ) Article Date: August 04, 2008 Arrived veiled, surrounded by two women from the left and right. Once she saw her […] Alliance formed to ‘rescue Yemen from drowning in vice’ By Nasser Arrabyee, Correspondent Published: July 16, 2008, 14:43 Sana’a: An alliance of Yemeni religious scholars and tribal leaders has decided to monitor and safeguard the morals and values of the society through annual meetings rather than permanent committees, proposals for which […] By Nasser Arrabyee, Correspondent Published: July 16, 2008, 15:42 Sana’a: A group of Yemeni clerics warned women from getting out of their homes. The order, they claim, is to protect society from “vice and sexual chaos”. The clerics also said that political role for women contradicts Islamic values. “We warn against opening the […]
MPS say: no to genital mutilation, 18 is minimum marriage age, juveniles cannot be punished as adults By: Kawkab Al-Thaibani For the Yemen Times SANA’A, June 24 — A two-day workshop in Parliament concluded that the minimum marriage age in Yemen should be 18, and the sponsors of both brides and grooms should be […]
Yemen By: Rachel Cookea typical woman in Yemen In Yemen, women belong to men. Most are illiterate. They are arrested in the street. They die in childbirth. In this special report, Rachel Cooke meets the brave few who are campaigning for midwives and against early marriage. Say’un is a town […]