Yale Establishes Shariah Law Center with $10 Million “Donation” From Saudi Shariah Finance Titan
By Christopher Holton Yale has now joined its Ivy League rival Harvard by establishing a center designed to promote Shariah in America. And, just like Harvard, Yale has prostituted itself to do so by taking a $10 million inducement from a wealthy Saudi financier who made his fortune in none other than Shariah-compliant finance. That […]
Testimony in a terrorism trial in Indonesia indicates that the late Al Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden directly funded the bombing in Bali, Indonesia that killed 202, many of them Western tourists. Osama bin Laden gave the Jemaah Islamiyah $30,000 to carry out terror attacks in Southeast Asia, a key witness in the ongoing trial […]
Correcting The New Misinformation on Islamic Charities Funding Jihadist Terrorism
The Guardian in the UK has come out with an article (“Counterterrorism laws taking their toll on humanitarian action”) critical of US counterterrorism efforts that are designed to prevent the funneling of money to Jihadist terrorist groups, especially in Gaza and Somalia, two hotbeds of Jihadist terrorist activity. When ever we see misguided and ignorant […]
Another Apologist Attempts to Rewrite History for Cat Stevens
Most of SFW’s readers probably know who Cat Stevens is. He was a folk singer who converted to Islam in the late 1970s and changed his name to Yusuf Islam. At the time of his conversion, he swore off his music and devoted himself to his new-found faith. A few years later he found himself […]
Great work by Money Jihad blog on the Zakat-Terror Finding Nexus
Over the past week, Money Jihad has posted some excellent work on the use of zakat funds for Jihad. These postings are not to be missed… 1. British Muslims are the Taliban’s Greatest Source of Revenue http://moneyjihad.wordpress.com/2010/10/22/british-muslims-are-taliban’s-“greatest-source-of-revenue”/ 2. Osama Bin Laden calls for a new mega-Islamist charity http://moneyjihad.wordpress.com/2010/10/24/just-what-the-world-needs/ 3. Zakat money flows uninterrupted to Jihadist […]
The good folks at Money Jihad have uncovered another gem… http://moneyjihad.wordpress.com/2010/07/18/zakat-funded-hate-speech/
The BinLaden Group, the huge conglomerate controlled by the family of Al Qaeda terrorist head Osama Bin Laden, has issued a major Sukuk (Islamic bond) offering… The Saudi Binladin Group issued a 700 million-riyal ($187 million) Islamic bond, known as sukuk, on July 12 through a private placement to Saudi investors as the Jeddah-based company […]
The 500 euro note, one of the largest denomination notes in the world, is being pulled from distribution in the United Kingdom. They are known in some countries as “bin Ladens” – the bank note everyone knows exists, but few people other than criminals will ever see. The decision comes after police linked 90 per […]
Jiwar Real Estate Management & Marketing, a unit of the Saudi Bin Laden Group, on Tuesday announced plans to set up a development division with paid-up capital of SR250m ($66.6m)… http://www.arabianbusiness.com/587950-saudi-bin-laden-unit-launches-development-arm