More Clear Evidence of the Zakat-Violent Jihad Connection
Sheikh Abdel Moneim Mohammed, imam of al-Nour mosque in Cairo, had this to say in one of his latest sermons: “With the recent events in the region, in Syria in particular, some associations are using zakat as a cover to raise funds for the fighters. Some associations and small mosques even called for ‘money jihad’ […]
Islamic Charities Revealed: Bankrollers of Terror
Foreign Policy magazine recently published an excellent article on the role of Islamic charities in funding Jihadist terrorism, something we’ve been writing about here on SFW for several years now. Authors Daveed Gartenstein-Ross and Aaron Y. Zelin detail in the article how Islamic NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) are bankrolling terrorist organizations under the guise of “aid.” […]
US Treasury Blacklists Al Qaeda-linked Jihadist Rebels in Syria
The US has blacklisted an Al Qaeda-linked rebel group in Syria, declaring that “extremists” could play no role in building a future for the Syrian people. The move against the Al Nusra Front came as the Obama administration recently recognized the new Syrian National Coalition as the “legitimate representative” of the Syrian people. The problem […]
U.S. Treasury Sanctions Hezbollah Leaders for Support for Syria
The Treasury Department announced on Thursday, September 13 additional sanctions against Hezbollah’s leadership in Lebanon for its support of the Syrian Assad regime. The obvious question here is: WHY ARE THERE ANY MORE SANCTIONS LEFT TO IMPOSE OF HEZBOLLAH’S LEADERS??? What has the US Treasury Department been doing for the past 30 years if there […]
“Ethical Investing” from Countries Overrun With Corruption? has publishes a Corruption Perceptions Index that rates the level of corruption in the world’s nations. The most recent year for which there is data is 2011. The results are instructive for observers of Shariah Compliant Finance. Shariah-Compliant Finance is often touted by the financial jihadists as “ethical” investment. There are a variety of […]
The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) in its article, “Al Qaeda’s War for Syria,” cited officials from the US Treasury Department stating, “Al Qaeda in Syria (often operating as the “Al Nusra Front for the People of the Levant”) is using traffickers—some ideologically aligned, some motivated by money—to secure routes through Turkey and Iraq for foreign […]
Americans are all-too familiar with the fact that Wall Street has fully embraced Shariah-Compliant Finance. The so-called titans of the financial world have prostituted themselves and their companies in attempts to gain access to petrodollars in the hands of individuals, governments and institutions that adhere to a doctrine that is diametrically opposed to everything American […]
Fox News Channel will air a segment on Sunday, June 10th on the new Patriot Fund, a mutual fund that uses a terror-free screen to exclude companies that have ties to Iran, Sudan and Syria, three Islamic nations on the US State Department’s list of state sponsors of terror. Featured on the segment will be […]
The U.S. Treasury Department’s point man on terrorist financing is off to the Middle East for nearly two weeks. Daniel Glaser, assistant Treasury secretary for terrorist financing, will travel to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Israel and the United Arab Emirates. Glaser will talk with government and private sector officials about the threat of terrorist financing, […]
Al-Haqiqah in Arabic, a web site published by the opposition France-based Syrian National Council for Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation, on 9 April publishes a 1,300-word “exclusive” report saying that Al-Faruq Battalion, which is affiliated with the opposition Free Syrian Army (FSA), is imposing Jizyah (an extra tax imposed on non-Muslims living under Muslim rule) on […]
The European Union widened sanctions against Syria in a push to end a violent crackdown on opponents of President Bashar al-Assad, adding 18 people including senior military and intelligence officials to its blacklist. The EU measures, approved by the bloc’s 27 governments yesterday, impose asset freezes and a travel ban on people who are said to […]
The International Islamic Liquidity Management Corporation, a cooperative institution set up by the Islamic Financial Services Board and supported by ten Islamic nation central banks, is set to issue an Islamic bond in the next six months. The ILMC’s main objective is to develop short-term financial instruments to enable financial institutions to maintain liquidity in […]
A Syrian-American restaurant owner named Jamal Roman in Baton Rouge, Louisiana has been sentenced to 53 months in prison on a variety of fraud, bribery and tax evasion charges. What is also buried in the press release from the FBI below, is the fact that he also sent $700,000 to Syria, in violation of US […]
Not long ago, the Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB) was holding a summit in Tehran, Iran, which certainly indicates where that body stands on the issues of Jihad, state sponsorship of terrorism and nuclear proliferation. Now, in May, the IFSB will hold a summit in NATO/EU member Luxembourg. At this point we should refer to […]
The U.S. Department of the Treasury has targeted the support network of al-Qai’da in Iraq (AQI) by designating Muthanna Harith al-Dari for providing financial, material, or technological support and financial or other services to or in support of AQI under Executive Order 13224. Executive Order 13224 freezes any assets the designated individuals have under U.S. jurisdiction, […]
Oxford Analytica Continues to Shill for Shariah
The economic consultancy Oxford Analytica has frequently used its space on to promote Shariah-Compliant Finance. We have pointed this out on SFW in the past: Oxford Analytica has taken yet another step to promote financial jihad with an article on This new article is so overrun with troubling and disturbing aspects that […]
As a new Shariah Bank was founded in Syria, one of the world’s foremost terrorist-sponsoring nations, with ties to HAMAS and Hezbollah, the Chairman of the banking group thanked Syrian President Bashar al Assad and his regime for their support of Islamic banking. In our view, that just about says it all…
Leaders from Islamic states under the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) have converged in Istanbul to attend the economy summit of OIC’s Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation. They include Turkish President Abdullah Gul, Kyrgyzstan President Murmanbek Bakiev, Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai, Syrian President […]
Islamic finance board to set liquidity standards (an admission of trouble)
The Islamic Financial Services Board plans create guidelines for shariah-compliant banks to manage liquidity risks as the industry looks to beef up regulation after the financial crisis. Shariah-compliant banking has been hit by sukuk (Islamic bond) defaults and the now-deflated Dubai real estate bubble, though numerous industry spokesmen have spread the lie that Shariah Finance […]
Qaradawi back in the news
If one listens to the promoters of Shariah-Compliant Finance, one gets the distinct impression that it is completely innocuous, even benevolent. The “scholars” who make the decisions about shariah compliance are made to seem like wise old men who sit around and do nothing but pray for peace all day long. The reality is somewhat […]
Syria plays hardball with the Saudis By Sami Moubayed DAMASCUS – In a further sign of just how low Syrian-Saudi Arabian relations have sunk, Syrian authorities have banned the distribution of al-Hayat, the Saudi-owned mass circulation Arab daily. The step came nearly two years after al-Sharq al-Awsat, another Saudi daily, was banned from Syria […]
DAMASCUS, Syria — Oasis, Syria’s first shelter for battered and abused women, opened its door the first week of August. “The importance of our shelter is that we are the first shelter to be officially authorized,” says Youmn Abou Alhosn, board member of the Association for Women’s Role Development, which supervises both the Oasis shelter […]
Syrian Case Tests Tolerance on Killing Kinswomen – Syria just opened its first official shelter for battered women and has enacted reforms favorable to women in recent years. – But safety activists can’t rest as long as authorities tolerate families who consider it honorable to kill their kinswomen. Oasis, Syria’s first shelter for battered and […]
U.S. Spends $1 Million Researching Syrians ‘Hooked on Hookahs’ Monday, July 28, 2008 By Pete Winn, Senior Writer/Editor Young men smoking a waterpipe (AP File Photo) ( – ‘Hoookah,’ ‘nargile,’ ‘hubbly-bubbly’ — all names for the waterpipe, a smoking instrument typically found in the Middle East in which tobacco smoke is drawn through water […]
<!–Section Title BUSINESS–> $3bn drilling firm to tap oil sector boom By ARTHUR MACDONALD MANAMA: Bahrain-based First Energy Bank unveiled its first major investment with the launch of a $3 billion drilling company that will exploit opportunities in the booming oil industry across the Middle East, Asia and North Africa. MENAdrill has been […]
No protection: A Syrian family squeezes onto a motorbike as they roll through Damascus. Julien Barnes-Dacey A wave of Islamic insurers gears up to woo Syrians As the secular government eases its firm control over society, Islamic firms are increasingly cropping up. By Julien Barnes-Dacey | Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor from the July […]
By SANA ABDALLAH (Middle East Times) Published: July 07, 2008 Unofficial sources suggest that Syria is willing to break from Iran if Western countries – and especially the United States – are willing to become its new friends. In the photograph U.S. President George W. Bush (L) is greeted by French President Nicolas Sarkozy at […]
U.S. Treasury Department Office of Public Affairs Rami Makhluf Designated for Benefiting from Syrian Corruption Washington, DC − The U.S. Department of the Treasury today designated Rami Makhluf, a powerful Syrian businessman and regime insider whom improperly benefits from and aids the public corruption of Syrian regime officials. This action was taken today pursuant to […]
List of Major Banks dealing with Shariah Finance-tools for research
Here is a list of banks that are expanding the Islamic Shariah industry worldwide. Also, a link to the major periodicals that discuss Shariah Finance. In order to combat this rising influence on our banking industry, you must learn and understand what it is. This type of banking is a screen to infiltrate into a […]